Avian Consulting Services is dedicated to providing outstanding support for NGOs and other groups who are working to make the world a better place for birds.
We put our extensive land use planning and habitat management expertise to work for clients who are concerned about a planned development, or wish to push for better bird protections in a project plan. Drawing from our conservation planning expertise, we can help with defining a new conservation program or project, refining existing work, and how to accomplish your objectives.
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Our expertise is built on more than 20 years of professional experience that has approached wildlife conservation from multiple angles. We are based in Washington, DC, though our work has encompassed species and habitats across the country. This provides an ability to work in a diversity of settings, and an ability to find solutions to complex issues.
We know from experience that meaningful conservation often requires a helping hand. Whether you’re getting a new project or program underway, trying to influence planning for a development, or having trouble getting to a bird project on your to-do list, we are here to help!