Wind & Solar Energy
The science is clear: Far too many bird species are in peril, and the number of at-risk species will grow due to climate change. Wind and solar energy are major components of the climate solution, and we need large capacities of both, fast. However, even renewable energy projects must be sited and planned thoughtfully to minimize impacts to wildlife.
Offshore wind energy is a decades-old industry in Europe, but is just getting underway at scale in the U.S. Large-scale offshore wind energy planning efforts have begun elsewhere in the world as well. As with land-based wind energy, siting offshore facilities is critical to minimize impacts to wildlife. This requires robust studies to inform siting, and impact monitoring post-construction.
If a wind or solar energy development is being planned in your area and you have questions or concerns about its impact on birds, we can help. We can support discussions with project proponents in the early stages of planning to promote measures to minimize impacts, or assist with advocacy efforts if a project plan is fully developed.
The hope is always for a win-win where renewable energy capacity is added while providing robust protections for birds and other wildlife.
Our specialized experience and expertise focused on wind energy and land use planning, and our work experience across a broad suite of species and geographies ensure that we can add value to your effort.
For more information, please email us.